
Wet Scrubber Unit

Wet air scrubbers are commonly used in process-air applications to eliminate potentially harmful dust and pollutants. A liquid, in general water is adapted to the process, is sprayed in to the air flow. Aerosol and gaseous pollutants in the air stream are removed by absorption with the water solution.


Dry Scrubber Unit

Contaminated air is drawn by the motor/blower through a washable metal mesh pre-filter which traps large dust particles. The remaining particles, some as small as 0.01 microns, pass into a strong electrical field (ionizing section) where the particulate receives an electrical charge.

The charged particles then pass into a collector plate section made up of a series of equally spaced parallel plates. Each alternate plate is charged with the same polarity as the particles, which repel, while the interleaving plates are grounded, which attract and collect the contaminants. The contaminants are held in these plates until they are washed away.